What is Fictionistas?

Are you a fiction writer on Substack? Do you have questions about how to best use this platform to grow your readership?

Yeah, us too. Join us! Let’s figure it out together.

We are a group of fiction writers on Substack who came together on a Discord server. Some of us are veteran writers who’ve been on Substack since nearly the beginning. Some of us are new writers with ambitious ideas for maximizing Substack’s tools. All of us chose this platform to write and share our stories.

Unfortunately, there are no tried-and-true strategies for publishing fiction on Substack. No set path to walk on for guaranteed success. It’s still the “wild west” for us. Welcome to the saloon.

Fictionistas is a space for fiction writers to get to know each other. A place we can announce virtual meetups and discuss tips and tricks that worked for us. As we grow, we welcome ideas from all fiction writers on Substack on how we can best serve each other as a community.

Jackie Dana, Story Cauldron
Geoffrey Golden, Adventure Snack

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A collaborative community for fiction writers on Substack


As a fiction author, freelance writer, and historian, I enjoy rooting for the underdog and stirring up trouble. Unsurprisingly, my alignment is Chaotic Good. My Substacks: Unseen St. Louis, Story Cauldron, and Fictionistas.
Writing serial science fiction & fantasy stories. Helping people write more. Digital Marketing Manager at One Further. European. Based in Norwich.
Reader, author, professor, radio show host, columnist. Best advice I ever got? ‘Only connect …’ E.M. Forster. https://marytabor.substack.com
Amateur sleuth | Semi-pro humorist | Essays: Narratively, Vox, Tablet | Wrote NSFW, a Porn Valley Mystery | Like the ashes of a Viking warrior dispatched to Valhalla, my journalism is scattered across the Web | LA Human | Husband | Dog Dad | Dudeist
Recovering advertising copywriter turned semi-literary shitposter. I want you to laugh, think, and join me on existential rants. Lover of music and friend to dogs.
Writer | Leader | World-builder
I write about the basics of indie publishing, the intersection of mental health and creative writing, and fictional worlds that shaped my childhood. I also publish fiction! Contact me at storyletter@proton.me. I can't wait to meet you!
Micro and flash fiction author
I create multi-layered stories about people whose destinies are not determined solely by their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Writey-Fighty Dancer Nerd. Innovative Creative. Both Bella & Beast. Needs more clones. Or crew. AKA Isidora in dance.
Creator of all things Stop Writing Alone, started as a podcast in 2019. Rumor has it the motivation for these creations was to legitimize a hoard of stories and storytelling tools, but no official statement has been made concerning this accusation.
Out there, Meg is the author of the 2023 Watty Award winning novel, "See Dot Smile." In here, Meg writes gutsy short fiction, evocative poetry, snarky humor, and whatever else she can think of.
Founder of The CRM Chronicles, a resource for all things marketing technology. I also run a creative writing school called The Writing Grove.
Writer of fictions and philosophies.
Coffee lover, author, entrepreneur, and podcaster.
I'm a Los Angeles-based WGA writer. Crime, sci-fi thrillers, historical dramas amongst other things. Team Jesus🙌🏾 Proverbs 3:5-6
I'm a bilingual (French-English) writer, editor, lyricist, and translator who started publishing in 1989. I specialize in Science-Fiction and Fantasy.
A survivor of emotional abuse, I write about the journey I've been on towards self-improvement. When I write fantasy, my stories are filled with themes of power and perspective.
American professional writer, almost 25 years in Europe; publications spans travel, fiction, culture and history to security and current events. Formerly of Lonely Planet, The Economist, and Jane's.
Over-educated hillbilly. Ozark enthusiast. Horror writer. Essayist, often about horrifying things.