Welcome to The Great Substack Story Challenge!
The muses demand tribute, and thirteen writers have come together to answer the call. A single story will be written, one chapter at a time. The catch is that our writers will be reading the chapters as they are released, at the same time as everyone else. When called, each must do the mental gymnastics required to continue the story within one week of seeing the latest entry.
What will the story look like? Will the muses be satisfied? And most importantly, can they even do it? Find out by subscribing to the writers below and follow them on this chaotic journey starting May 26th!
Update: The task has been completed! The muses are appeased and have agreed to continue inspiring our writers so that they may continue their respective crafts. But be ready, writers of Substack, for you never know when the gauntlet may be thrown again…
Below are the links to all chapters of the completed story for all those joining us for the first time or for those that want to do a reread!
Chapter Links:
Arjun Agarwal - Arjun’s Newsletter (Chapter 1)
G. M. Baker - Stories All the Way Down (Chapter 2)
Anthony Lora - Stories from Another Realm (Chapter 3)
Mark Starlin - Mark Starlin Writes! (Chapter 4)
Joyce Reynolds-Ward - Martiniere Stories (Chapter 5)
Jackie Dana - Story Cauldron (Chapter 6)
Thomas Bubb - Necessary Fiction (Chapter 7)
Nick Mazmanian - Typewriter Mechanic (Chapter 8)
Adrian Conway - Fulgurites (Chapter 9)
Winston Malone - The Storyletter (Chapter 10)
Alex S. Garcia - The Xen’in Universe (Chapter 11)
Meagan Voulo - Forever Fantasy Readers (Chapter 12)
Geoffrey Golden - Adventure Snack (Chapter 13)
Fantastic! A literary exquisite corpse!!
Ooh I love this! Will follow this adventure 😄