Hey there, Tim. I did get your sign up, but there was difficulty getting in touch with you, so I couldn't put you on the schedule. I currently have you as a backup writer in case anyone has to drop out of the event. If you'd like, I can email you at your Substack email with some more detail.
That's the plan. There's a group of people hammering out the details as we speak!
Hey there, Tim. I did get your sign up, but there was difficulty getting in touch with you, so I couldn't put you on the schedule. I currently have you as a backup writer in case anyone has to drop out of the event. If you'd like, I can email you at your Substack email with some more detail.
Fantastic! A literary exquisite corpse!!
Ooh I love this! Will follow this adventure 😄
Let the games begin!
terrific idea - wonderful play!
Love the idea! If you need/would like more writers, I'd totally be interested.
Thanks! I'm hoping that this will be a huge success and we'll do them regularly! :)
I'm sure it will be!! It's such a great idea!
I second this! Wish I had known about it before. I have a lot of Substacks to sub to now.
this should be fun! i'm always up for a chaotic journey ;-)
Ooh! This sounds like a lot of fun! Can’t wait to see what you all come up with.
Sounds fun. Not sure how I missed this in the first place! Hope you run it again. ;)
Yes! This is experimental, but we're hoping it goes well enough to be a blueprint for running more of these in the future!
I'd definitely be up for getting on board with this if you ever do another one :)
I will be joining the adventure and would like be on board for the next challenge!
That’s awesome!
How do I post a story?
We have all of our contributors for this round, but if we do it again, you can sign up then.
What a great project! Just found out about it today, but we're looking forward to reading every instalment.
Oh dear, chapter twelve has disappeared into the limbo. At least tonight it's rocking out over the edge...
Great idea!