Apr 20, 2023Liked by Heather L Huffman, Nicole Rivera

Lovely art of the thinking writer!

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The artist was sharing her joy over it earlier in Notes:


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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Geoffrey Golden, Nicole Rivera

Is life really like a pinball machine??


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Here's my story, entitled "Down the Drain," about a pinball wizard. It's longer than the 1000 limit but I thought I'd share it anyway. I also entered it into the first season of the Lunar Awards (https://lunarawards.substack.com/).


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Here’s my story, “Pinball: <A game of overkill.>” about a pinball.


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My story isn't set in that era as I wanted to put a speculative spin on things (I wasn't sure if the era was specifically part of the prompt) but it's still about an illegal underground pinball club:


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Not really a story - just a fragment - https://nibbins.substack.com/p/contraband Thanks for setting this up - it was an interesting challenge

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Dear @Fictionistas - what a brilliant prompt! I love a good prompt that inspires a bit of historical research too. Due to time-zone differences I wasn't able to participate in the group event, and my current story is almost 1,600 words (so probably won't count), but I thank you very much for the prompt as it inspired me to write this yarn that would have otherwise never come into being, Here is!


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