I love this. At the current time I am very busy. I am negotiating on my first book of poetry. I am sending around TWO novels although one of them I want to add a few more sections. Last but not least, I am trying to finish a novel Ive been working on for over twenty years. Ah yes. Suffice to say this in all of its garrulous non-splendor: the elongation of my procrastination on this particular novelistic notion if like the commotion of a clogged ocean giving cause for consternation with not much disputation but that much more hesitation of a confrontation with my inner subugation that has never been the slightest cause for celebration only causing much perturbation or perhaps some skilled clinician can give me a better definition of condtion that I see her/him on my own volition or should I give it all a rest and do my best to return to my own fiery intution so I can finish without my heart or brain diminished.

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I had a dream last night I had a new kind of brunch. It was so delicous: a chicken salad sub ( 12 inches) atop four buttermilk pancakes with strawberries.

It's the best "substack" I ve had so far. I had it with a very unknown coffee, made in Brooklyn and called "Holy Grounds Coffee" with the credo "Our cups runneth over".

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Good stuff Brian. Even though fiction tends to be a sidelight in my work, I feel very much a part of the Fictionistas collective and deeply appreciate the sense of community I find here.

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Thanks, Tom! I think recently we've seen the side benefits of connecting with others through a collective, even if it's participating instead of contributing. It has a tendency to bring people together in a unique way, and I'm happy that happened for us!

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Thanks for mentioning us at Creātell! We always welcome new perspectives, especially if folks want to chime in in the comments section or create a thread in response to one of our posts. It feels so great to be connected to a group of writers with similar interests. As always, it's too easy to feel we're alone in this world--and truly, no one is!

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Thanks for dropping by, Nicci, and I hope Creātell finds a great deal of success! It's awesome that a group of you connected and found a common vision.

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Great piece, Brian! This is really interesting and I'm curious to see where it leads. I've definitely been more in the solitary camp as a writer, but it's been great meeting and discussing with other writers here on Substack. And, hey, if anyone is interested in a historical fiction collective, let's talk :-)

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Thanks, J.M.! Regarding the historical fiction collection, I think something like that will find its way onto Substack eventually. I can imagine a shared universe where authors all write stories within it and expand the lore. That way writers can contribute when they have time and there is still some consistency with frequency. There are definitely so many opportunities like that!

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I like that idea :-) I agree that these things grow organically, but there do seem to be lots of opportunities over the horizon…

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I like the idea.

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Might be worth brainstorming a little sometime... :-)

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I’ve been hearing a lot about The Soaring Twenties but haven’t gotten to wade in too deep. Seems to get a lot of engagement though. I’m glad to know there are other collectives out there where writers can find their folks. Nice one. Thanks for this.

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Chevanne! I get a lot of pieces to my inbox driven from their collective prompts as well, so there is definitely interest.

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Great overview, Brian! It’s interesting to learn about the different author communities out there.

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Thanks, Geoffrey! One community I want to find out more about here on Substack is the gaming community. It looks like they don't have a major category, though, at least not that I can find. Any Substacks that you can recommend that cover the genre?

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Yes, there are quite a few Substacks on gaming as a hobby, but it doesn’t have its own category (I believe “Tech” uses a joystick icon) and I’m not aware of any formal, active communities. Three of my regular reads...

Game & Word


The Indie RPG Newsletter


Retro XP


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Thanks for this, Brian. Especially naming some other groups to follow. I've been on Substack for about a month and it's amazing. I love that I can connect with people all over the world. I agree with what you said re: community. It's great to be able to encourage other writers and vice versa!

I have a writing group that meets hybrid here in NL and will be running in-person workshops/retreats for writers to meet each other and focus on their work.

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That's so cool, Lloyd, that you're finding both a community online and offline. For your writing group, how did you end up connecting with those other writers? I've searched at various times for offline live readings, workshops, etc., all things writing in my area and there isn't a ton. That's why I'm interested in finding out how others found a group.

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Hi Brian,

When I moved to a new city I went a bit old school - posters in the library and bookstores with a QR code to our FB page/email address for more info. The bookstores did posts as well on social media. Events help. Before the pandemic we had a reading at a bar with various members and non-members and that went really well, plus the venue was happy to have us on a weeknight.

The most successful tactic, however, was crashing other FB groups to advertise the group and what we're about/looking for.

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This is some great info, Lloyd, thank you for sharing. Sometimes you gotta go old school, which people still love. I've got an author fair at our local library in May. I have no idea what kind of traffic we'll get, but hey, I'm willing to try!

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Good luck with the event, Brian! and let us know how it goes

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Thanks for the post and the reminder that though writing is done alone, it doesn't have to be lonely.

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You're welcome! There's lots of us here 😁

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Great article. I've been looking for more collective type newsletters that writers can contribute to.

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What a great overview, Brian. I’m so glad to have found Fictionistas. It’s made Substack more like home. Thanks for the shoutout! I’m very excited about the Lunar Awards!

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Thanks for dropping by Winston! I'm excited for The Storyletter as well, and I'm sure we'll be crossing paths more 😁

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You've tagged the wrong "The Post"--intentionally or not! Great article though, I think Collectives are a neat emergent behavior of Substack, I wonder if we will see a collective-oriented feature integrated into the platform?

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Oh no!!! You're right, I've corrected it. Thank you for pointing that out Scoot!

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This was a great roundup Brian. Good to see all the different ways in which communities are forming on Substack. Writing is indeed a lonely endeavor and finding and engaging with like minded journeymen is so gratifying and rewarding. It can lead to ideas and productions we could not have imagined or concocted alone.

Thanks also for the mention of our humble Createll Collective community. We're rather proud of it and seek to make a difference in helping conversations happen. Yes, apparently we've all forgotten how to talk. That includes coming from a place of trust and openness but also with a view that it's only through the exchange of words and ideas that we can better understand one another before we bring about any kind of change... The interesting thing about our collective is that we all come from very different backgrounds, interests and leanings and yet -- we talk.

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That's awesome, Reena, it sounds like a collective that a lot of folks can enjoy. I'm happy to see you all found a way to join together and make a difference!

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Now I'm looking for a poetry collective where we can gather, share and enjoy poetry and share our curated collections with the world...

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Thank you for sharing this! I joined Substack just over a month ago and have found that more than getting my writing in front of an audience, it’s been the writing in community that has had the biggest impact.

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Thank you, Priya, we're glad you're here!

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I have such a hard time trying to write less than 10,000 words. I'm going to have to come up with something.

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You can do it, Ben, I believe in you!

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This is a great overview, Brian! Very exciting to see more and more indie collectives appearing. Thanks for sharing

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Thanks, Vanya, and thanks for helping lead the way with the Soaring Twenties initiative!

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