Welcome to the monthly Fictionistas Workshop Thread. This is a space to request feedback on your writing from your fellow Fictionistas. All you have to do is leave a comment with a link to the piece, what sort of feedback you're looking for, and where you'd like to receive the feedback. The piece itself doesn't even need to be on Substack.
When giving feedback, remember to be specific and constructive. Don't tear your fellow writers down with insults, but don't give them bland praise that leaves them in the dark over what precisely they did well either. And regardless of where the feedback is given, a comment on this thread about giving it will help people see who has received feedback already and who still needs some.
I'm currently looking for feedback on my short story The Swordsmen. Specifically I'd like to know if the mythic vibe came through and get opinions on the final conversation. Also have a third question that I feel will get the most genuine result if asked after someone already reads it, so expect that as a follow up question. Feedback can be left on either this comment or the piece itself.
I'd love feedback on the flash fiction I wrote with July's prompt