Oh, this is brilliant! I'm in - you can find me as Natwriter - and my novel this year is a historical fantasy with a little romance. I'd love to buddy up with anyone in the same niche.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

Thanks! I’m writing a series of interconnected spec-fic short stories. I’m WillBrown on NaNoWriMo.

Good luck to all!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

This will be my first time! My novel is called The Unlived Lives of Tanner Fields. It's a speculative fiction novel. My user name is emmamcbean.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

This is a great initiative! First time trying NaNoWriMo. I'm plain old Aisling Maguire on NaNoWriMo. I want to start a quasi-historical novel that has been pestering me for a couple of years. It's based on a real figure but I'm thinking of moving him from C18 France to the modern day.

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I am m. louisa locke on NaNoWriMo and my goal is to make significant progress on the fifth and final book in my science fiction series. I am already 22,000 words into this novel, so I hope if I do well this month, I might actually finish the first draft done Jan 1.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

I'm planning to do a portal fantasy novel for NaNoWriMo, it's an idea I've tweaked in various forms for a long time. Don't use the official website anymore, but happy to chat with people here.

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I am trying this as well. Although my project is not 50k words, it’s a chance to get some major progress! More of a novella length, but we’ll see. Mine is a horror with spiritual mythology- a preta (hungry ghost from eastern theologies) is addicted to death so he can ride the wheel of life over and over for reincarnation. He eventually gets caught and sent to hell permanently, “branded” for eternity.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana

I'm looking forward to NaNoWriMo. I'll be participating for my 11th time as an author working on my eco-fiction novel that my readers selected for me -- Eco-Guardians. This year I'll also be taking part as a Write On Purpose Coach, helping to keep my fellow authors inspired and in action (and in that way, me as well). I've released a few short videos on how to win at NaNoWriMo beyond the 50K word count.

Two of them are at: https://youtu.be/paT-RFt2Q8g?si=kDM9xf5yosMnuOzX and https://youtu.be/hAjoCOl8xio?si=yqKNeNArzyoaIzWC. (Several others I'll be sharing through my Substack at https://wbradfordswift.substack.com/ under the Write On Purpose Coaching Tips section.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

I just decided to do NaNoWriMo last night! I'll be writing book 2 of my YA sci-fi trilogy. I'm predicting 50k will only get me to the story's midpoint, but I need this deadline and community motivation to get me to start writing it. My NaNo profile is sgyawriter if anyone wants to connect!

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I still can’t decide if I’m going to participate! Literally no one on The Isle of Man has signed up 😩 it’s a lot too... I just don’t know if I could keep up with a full teaching load right now! Advice please people?!

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Author

Howdy everyone! Good to see everyone here!

For NaNoWriMo this year I will be writing Book 3 of my Chronicles of Sarducia series (the first, By Moonrise, is available on Amazon if you're curious). It's a portal fantasy romance with not one but two romances (but it isn't a romance!) and a number of LGBTQ+ characters. I've got roughly 50K of words towards the novel, but I have broken it up and restructured it, so it's in many ways a new project. I put the existing words into a new Scrivener document so I have them to use/refer to, but I fully intend to write at least 50K new words.

I'm jadana on NaNoWriMo.

Also, this is my 11th consecutive NaNoWriMo and I've "won" every year. I was also a Municipal Liaison in Austin TX for several years (I'm in St. Louis now) so if anyone has questions about how NaNoWriMo works, how to engage with local folks, or needs tips/encouragement, I'll be around all month and you can post your questions in these weekly threads.

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Im planning (eeep!) on starting novella #2 - The Incredible Machines of Thinkery: The Liked. I’m LinnheHarrison on NaNoWriMo, would be lovely to have some buddies as I’m new on there! ✌️

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I’ll be doing a full-manuscript edit on a completed historical fiction thriller I’ve been working on in spurts for the past few years. I’d like to get it spiffed up and ready to query in the near future! My username is bridgetriley on the NaNoWriMo website. I’m trying to get my husband to make a NaNo page for his dissertation, even though it’s nonfiction. I’m sure he could use some writing encourage and camaraderie!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

Hi folks. Well, I swore I wasn't going to do NaNoWriMo this year, but I just announced my project, so I guess I'm in! MegOWriter is my profile name - feel free to buddy me. I'll be attempting to bang out 2 separate novellas in lieu of a novel this year. But I'll be happy if I get through 1 of them. The first is a genre evading satirical-romantic-thriller called "Home Raker" - the origins of which can be found here: https://stockfiction.substack.com/p/to-days-two-win-the-stoopid . The second is to be steamy AF romance with a deliciously condensed timeline called "The Layover." Wish me luck! And best to the rest of you NaNoWriMonites!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana

My username on Nanowrimo.org is “The Neon Church.” (Just changed it as a matter of fact, and I’m surprised they let you put spaces in your username...)

This year’s project is a horror/fantasy about the final war between Heaven and Hell, and one guy who’s desperately trying to dodge the draft.

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Yaaay! Thank you guys so much for doing this, and for such a great Zoom this eve! (I was the green-haired Fae in the leaves, flowers and butterflies--technically the Cthaeh, if we have any Kingkiller aficionados here. This Halloween Zoom was the perfect excuse for early costume trials for a dance.) Y'all were the first community I joined when I came to Substack earlier this year, and you're still my fave! I'm so behind. I've barely had my 'Stacky nose above water for months after getting swamped by health, government agency and neuro dookie, but tomorrow *should* mark the end of the onslaught, so it's only fitting that it's y'all luring me back to life.

After a couple years off, I'm doing NaNo this year and would love to have buddies!! Here's mine on the NaNo site:


My novel this year is about coming of age in the 80s (but it is NOT necessarily YA). This project is something that, until this past spring, I had avidly sworn since 1992 that I would never do: resurrect my blackmail fodder--I mean, the first novel I ever wrote *IN* the 80s.

I actually just posted about my decision to do NaNo:


And about the perfect angsty storm that transformed a grouchy teenager into a novelist:


Can't wait to play with y'all again! It's been way too long and was way too brief when I first got on here.

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Love this. Looking forward to being in community with fellow writers. My username is SilverCrono.

I'm being brave this year and writing something that is still amorphous in my head. It'll be a sort of continuation of some of my nonfiction posts from my Substack as well as expansion into philosophy, dialogue with God, dialogue with a lover, autofiction, everything I can think of. Think Lispector's "A Breath of Life" plus Nin's "House of Incest".

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I am taking part in Nanowrimo this year as part of my Last 100 Days of 2023 challenge. I'm not sure if I'll be working only on a novel, but I love the word count goal of writing 1,667 words a day. I am spreading myself thin, but I do like it like that. :-)

1. Finish Inktober prompted story "Inklings" (22 short chapters to go)

2. Continue posting daily on Substack and IG for the Last 100 Days of 2023

3. Use Nancy Stohlman's Flashnano prompts to work on (a) a novel in flash (b) standalone stories (c) a novel

4. Novel(s) in progress...

My Nanowrimo Username is Quenntis Ashby

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

I started writing today. I'm misclaude https://nanowrimo.org/participants/misclaude/projects if anyone wants to connect. I decided to work on my cli-fi series There Is Hope and an AI novella. I will also work on one non-fiction article. This is a huge challenge for me, I hope that I will make it! Writing every single day for a whole month will be a first.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by Jackie Dana, Chevanne Scordinsky

It's finally the start of November, and I am happy to join. I'm Vu Phan on NaNoWriMo. I'm finishing my novel, Vietnamese Gods, a mythological travel novel that takes you through an alternate version of my home country, along with its Gods. The first two episodes are out: https://open.substack.com/pub/vuphan/p/vietnamese-gods?r=2r7yk8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

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thanks for this - its giving me that old nano fever. I haven't registered yet but hey, why not give it a try - at least a start haha. I'll be setting up later today, too busy to do it but I'm going to make time after all. thanks for the push

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I'm a little late to the party! I'm working on just getting back to writing consistently. My user name is Allie Bock. I'm working on a western romance. Good luck to everyone!

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Great to see so many participating! This will be my first NaNoWriMo writing a sci-fi thriller about a burnt out executive who sublets her life, then has trouble getting it back from a clever stand-in. You can find me at theone_chiv.

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Hi everyone! I'm new to the Fictionistas community (started posting my YA serial novel project on my substack this week!) and I'm also working on a middle grade contemporary story for Nanowrimo. :)


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Thanks Jackie! I looked for you on the NaNo site but your user name didn't come up either! I realise now however that I don't actually have a user name I simply inserted my email address. I don't plan to do time travel in my project. It's more a case of reincarnating my historical figure in modern form and context which I think will mean creating an alternative modern world ie a nameless state which is undergoing upheaval and assault . . .

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Thank you Jackie. It's running off in all sorts of directions! I'll just run with it and see what it amounts to at the end of the month.

What are you working on and how is it going?

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That's amazing progress Jackie! Very well done 👏 I'm hoping to get a couple of days this week when I can push beyond the daily word count. Life has a funny way of intervening, quite pleasurably for the most part but time consuming nevertheless! I figure talking to people is all part of the research . . . Everyone has a story to tell.

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