RESTACK the stories you read in Substack Notes to expand the discoverability of all the participants in this prompt party! (One of my fav ways to do this is by highlighting a favorite sentence and restacking with that. More about restacking here.)
Your fiction MUST be written to the prompt in the previous post.
Your fiction must not exceed 1,000 words.
We will only read Substack or view-only Google Doc links, in other words…
This thread is for LINKS ONLY*
Post by 11:59 Eastern time Thursday, November 28, 2024
What happens next:
You read the stories shared in this thread and share them (New to restacking? See this article.)
We read the stories in this thread an share them
The other participants read the stories in this thread and share them
All participants enjoy expanded exposure for their story and fiction substack pages!
*Note: Please use this thread for links and likes only—share your comments with the writers on their Substack page OR in your Note when you restack them!
This month, readers get a two-for-one deal. Not only did I take the Fictionistas prompt and create a "semoir," but I also participated in a Flash Fiction battle. Both prompts were fantastic. Thanks to @stopwritingalone and @jackiedana at @fictionistas and @andrewrobertcolom and @sandolore at Flash Style Fiction Battle. I hope you enjoy. Share which one you liked the best!
This month, readers get a two-for-one deal. Not only did I take the Fictionistas prompt and create a "semoir," but I also participated in a Flash Fiction battle. Both prompts were fantastic. Thanks to @stopwritingalone and @jackiedana at @fictionistas and @andrewrobertcolom and @sandolore at Flash Style Fiction Battle. I hope you enjoy. Share which one you liked the best!
Yay vince! but its SandOlore (easy mistake) These pieces are BOLD! (I am submitting here too...)
So sorry. FIXED!
And Thank you for your support and nomination to the battle!
A story inspired by the fantastic 1968 film "Killer of Sheep" by Charles Burnett.
About a trip to the DMV
The shoe shiner:
I’m fairly sure this counts as an epiphany.
After reading this month’s prompt, I couldn’t think of a damn thing to write. And then it came to me in a flash.
This one went over the allotted word count, so please disregard every fourteenth word. Thanks.
Jelly Beans
Bad bad, inkblot, we must respect the rules!
I may be punished for going over the word count. Can I be forgiven? Can't wait to read what everybody wrote--it was a particularly interesting prompt.
A side story of one of my protagonists in “Whispers of Echo Canyon.”
Hi All -- Here's my flash fiction, "The Ivory-billed Woodpecker" in a Google Doc:
Hope you enjoy. Looking forward to reading everyone else's stories, too!
Thanks to everyone at Fictionistas for organizing this!
This one’s a real snore. Thx for prompt and platform!
My first Fictionistas prompt submission! It flowed right out of me. Ever just been fed up with the daily grind? One woman takes action!
I give you "All of Them", inspired in equal parts by the prompt and Sophia Loren
This story is brought to you by clean laundry
Finally wrapped up my little story!
The routine cleaning of the camera roll....