I hope to catch the August 21 virtual meeting. I'm new to Substack and Ficitonistas, I'm sorry to confess, quite foggy on how this all works. How exactly do I acquire subscribers? How exactly do I post my stories? Is it a a submittal, or ??? See? Foggy.

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Hi Robbie! Welcome to the show. It's been a while since I "started" up, but I do remember the learning process being fairly quick. Here are a couple of articles that might be helpful:



As for getting subscribers, many people start by inviting friends and family to subscribe to them first. Then you can wander around Substack a bit. Reading, and commenting on other's work is a great way to introduce yourself. Substack also hosts Office Hours and Shout Out threads which can be a good place to say hello. You should be subscribed to Substack's publication already (they do that automatically when you sign up) so expect updates from them about those threads. Many of my early subscribers came from Fictionistas, too! The meet-up this month could be a great steppingstone for you. You can let the community know what you're working on and ask any questions you have about getting started and growing your publication.

There's plenty to learn, but it's fine to take it one step at a time. You're in a good place with Fictionistas. It's a tremendous resource for the fiction community here.

Hope to see you on the 21st!

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I'll probably be brain dead cuz I'll be coming off a weekend of working baseball games, but I'll be there!

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The more brain dead the merrier, Kim! 😂

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Aug 5, 2023Liked by Meg Oolders

Can’t wait for the August meetup! I think a good topic would be how to inspire subscribers to be active readers and commenters.

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Great news about the upcoming virtual meeting- might be a little late for my time zone, but I'll do my best to try and make it. Keep up the great work and happy writing, everyone!

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Thanks Chris! Hope to see you there.

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