So is there a June prompt?

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

Yes, at 5pm CDT. today.

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Dealing with my mom’s death sentence because of cancer

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Meg Oolders

Summer goal: getting BACK INTO writing fiction. I was gone for several years, but recently decided to get back to it. As a fan of X-Men--specifically Storm and Gambit--I think it's cool someone is writing fanfiction about it.

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I'm with you, Ororo! I've misplaced my fiction fire-starter and it's been far too long since I wrote a new story. Here's hoping we both find the inspiration we need this summer to make story magic. 🪄

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Jun 20Liked by Meg Oolders

Summer goal: start a new fiction series. So today, at the solstice, I've launched 'Moon Hook' via my newsletter. Weird, weekly fiction about an Island off Ireland. https://splinister.substack.com/p/moon-hook-i-1

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Fantastic, Maura! Thank you for sharing and best of luck on your series this summer. 🔥🍀

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Thanks, Meg.

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