Hey, everyone! Over at "The Tidewater Papers" I am currently finishing up serial novel (a short one, anyway). It's the sequel to another short alternate history novel that I published serially last spring and summer. I also have a fair number of my short stories there, most of which are historical fiction or sci-fi. My story "Allegiance …
Hey, everyone! Over at "The Tidewater Papers" I am currently finishing up serial novel (a short one, anyway). It's the sequel to another short alternate history novel that I published serially last spring and summer. I also have a fair number of my short stories there, most of which are historical fiction or sci-fi. My story "Allegiance Owed" is pinned to the top right now; it was published in a little anthology and is one of the works I'm definitely most proud of.
Hey, everyone! Over at "The Tidewater Papers" I am currently finishing up serial novel (a short one, anyway). It's the sequel to another short alternate history novel that I published serially last spring and summer. I also have a fair number of my short stories there, most of which are historical fiction or sci-fi. My story "Allegiance Owed" is pinned to the top right now; it was published in a little anthology and is one of the works I'm definitely most proud of.