RESTACK the stories you read in Substack Notes to expand the discoverability of all the participants in this prompt party! (One of my fav ways to do this is by highlighting a favorite sentence and restacking with that. More about restacking here.)
Your fiction MUST be written to the prompt in the previous post.
Your fiction must not exceed 1,000 words.
We will only read Substack or view-only Google Doc links, in other words…
This thread is for LINKS ONLY*
Post by 11:59 Eastern time Thursday, December 26, 2024
What happens next:
You read the stories shared in this thread and share them (New to restacking? See this article.)
We read the stories in this thread an share them
The other participants read the stories in this thread and share them
All participants enjoy expanded exposure for their story and fiction substack pages!
*Note: Please use this thread for links and likes only—share your comments with the writers on their Substack page OR in your Note when you restack them!
I worked with a man named Samir many years ago, and we got on fine. He was a lot of fun. At any rate, here's the story, thanks in advance for reading it:
I love this time of the month - thanks again Fictionistas and the brilliant, talented fictionistas writers and readers - my contribution this month:
I had so much fun!
Great prompt. Thanks for running this and to all participants. Happy holidays.
I worked with a man named Samir many years ago, and we got on fine. He was a lot of fun. At any rate, here's the story, thanks in advance for reading it:
Here's a story about a boy and an elephant, all cranked out in one go
Hello everyone. I hope you’re having a good holiday season and I wish you a happy new year. Well, have a new year, at least.
My prompt response is called “Bantu”.
Warning for sensitive readers: This story is dark and violent.
Happy holidays, everyone! Here's my contribution: